Central Florida's only fitness and nutrition professional certified in improving posture, balance, preventing falls and teaching Tiny TweaksTM to your eats, your moves and your life through classes, consults and really FUN speaking engagements.

Motivational Speaker • Posture & Balance Expert • Author • FUNIQ® Fitness Founder

Tiny Tweaks for Workplace Wellness
More than 90% of our PAINs in the assets (and other areas) are very fixable...even instantly.
Let Bethanne Wellness Weiss, the Queen of More JOY and Less OY come teach you and your staff Tiny Tweaks in the Workplace (or at home.) Learn simple moves that
dramatically reduce back, neck, hip, shoulder & knee pain, stress, anxiety, depression, brain fog, doctor visits, and missed work days and dramatically improve posture, energy, memory, performance and appearance...no kidding!
Healthy Employees = Greater Productivity!


American Council on Exercise (ACE) approved CEU provider for Tiny Tweaks Healthier Students. Contact Bethanne for a workshop near you.

Produce Big Benefits

Bethanne's Tiny Tweaks

YOU are the Queen or (King) of your JOYful journey and YOU have all the tools you need to live with more JOY and less OY! You just need a little kick in the assets from Bethanne to help unlock YOUR amazing potential. Bethanne teaches Tiny Tweaks to your eats, your body, your brain, & your life that will have YOU moving, feeling, and looking amazing in less than 30 minutes…really!
Schedule your FREE 15 minute phone consultation.
“More JOY Less OY”
Book Series
coming soon!

Move Your Assets
From the Chair, Not the Bank!
“The most FUN, unique, entertaining & life-changing book EVER!” ~ Sally H.
Join the move-meant and purchase Move Your Assets: From the Chair, Not the Bank! For a fraction of the cost of one mani-pedi, you will get fit & healthy beyond your wildest dreams, while laughing your assets off, and without uttering the dreaded words workout, exercise, or diet. Say buh-bye to your granny panties and your chair—for good!